Selling Photo Equipment Online With Sexy Gear Photos

I decided to sell off my Nikon gear now that I have have fallen in love with the Fuji x100s. When I sell items online I always like to take pictures that look as attractive as possible to give the buyer comfort that it is a high-quality item in good condition. For this shoot I […]
Ask a Lightroom Expert – Wedding Photography Help

Q: As you may know I did my first wedding for charity last weekend in Memphis. There are some changes that I need to make, however for the most part I am pretty satisfied with the way it came out–especially considering the venue was a hampton inn. Afterwards I prepared my first composed wedding image. As […]
4 Techniques To Make Children’s Photos Stand Out

Recently I have been experimenting with techniques for enhancing images of kids. With a little one in the house I have had lots of practice with baby and kid photos. I have noticed a few techniques tend to improve the quality of these pictures. 1. Get Low – See Eye to Eye The first […]
Off-Camera Lighting With Cell Phone LED Flash

It is said often that photography is just about recording light. So what can you do when the daylight is gone and you don’t want to use your on-camera flash? How about using one or more cell phone LED flashlights as lighting. Unless you are MacGyver you probably don’t have a flashlight with you at […]
Off-Camera Flash Vs. Available Light – Underexposing The Sky

In this post there are two images captured about 7 minutes apart. In that time the available light outside did not noticeably change. The difference in the look of the two pictures is the first utilized only ambient light while the second added off-camera flash. Notice, in the ambient exposure that the subjects and the […]
Autofocus Tune up – How To Calibrate Autofocus Settings

I recently upgraded to a camera body that allows for autofocus fine tune adjustments. I tried out different techniques for honing in on the best possible focus settings. Here I’ll share what I learned and how you can measure and adjust your autofocus yourself. All you need is a camera that has the ability to […]
Play With Bugs – Budget Macro Insect Photography

I recently came across a video about macro insect photography that inspired me to try it out. The short video follows Thomas Shahan through the woods as he narrates the technique he uses and the type of insects he photographs. With his calming voice he has been called the Bob Ross of photography. Youtube – […]
Colorizing Old Black And White Photos

I have seen several old time black and white photos posted online after they had been colorized. I always thought this looked like a fun thing to do, but I never spent the time to actually do it myself. Just recently I came across a step-by-step tutorial on how to colorize old photos. I decided […]
Secret Code To Tell If Nikon Gear Is Refurbished

Ever wondered if your Nikon camera or lens was refurbished? Maybe you bought used and took the seller’s word that it was purchased new. How would you know? It turns out there is a special code Nikon uses to mark equipment they have factory refurbished. Nikon refurbished products (lenses, cameras, flashes) have the serial number punched […]
Advanced Beginner’s Guide To Headshot Portraiture

This article builds on the ideas discussed in last week’s blog post: 3 Essential Tips for Headshot Portraiture in Natural Light. Go back and refresh your memory before reading on. It’s ok, I’ll wait. In this post we will cover additional technical aspects to consider when creating a headshot portrait. At this point you have experimented […]